The new course provides postgraduate students with knowledge and skills that are immediately applicable in the professional field. At the same time, the fact that it does not consider as a prerequisite knowledge and skills of Business Administration from the undergraduate level, but provides comprehensive knowledge and skills at this level, makes the Master in Business Administration ideal for people who wish to supplement their financial-administrative knowledge and skills and to combine Business Administration with the academic subject of their undergraduate studies.
Its goal is to deepen and complete the approach of graduate students in the context of businesses and organizations in the full range of their needs at both tactical, operational and strategic levels. Particular emphasis is placed on the administrative (strategy, business ethics, corporate social responsibility), the financial (financial accounting, administrative accounting and financial management), but also on the production-commercial function (marketing, promotion, distribution of products). Hence, it provides a holistic approach to the general topic of business administration.
One of the main objectives/goals of the program is to contribute to the competitiveness and development of local and not only businesses and to strengthen the prospects of expanding their activities at home and abroad. Additionally, it aspires to create executives characterized by dynamism, ethical principles and a sense of duty towards the business/organization they work for or lead, but also the society in which they operate.
In the MSc program are accepted, after selection, graduates of Higher Education of Domestic Institutions or similar Foreign Institutions.
Attendance at MBA is full and the normal duration of studies is at least three (3) semesters. The number of graduate students admitted is forty (40).
The curriculum has been designed in accordance with the quality assurance procedures in higher postgraduate education. The attendance of the courses is compulsory and the teaching takes place in Greek or in English.